7406 Lockport Pl Ste 6, Lorton, VA 22079

Learn to swordfight! click here to Register for our introductory historical fencing class!
Already completed the intro program? Sign up for our weekly classes below!
Once weekly membership
Membership is determined by the number of days per week you attend to class, not the number of classes you take a day. You can come on a different day each week.
As an example: if you take classes Monday in week 1, you couldn't come on Thursday or Saturday of that same week for class, but you can come a different day the next week.
Once week membership includes free fencing any time we are open.
Twice weekly membership
Membership is determined by the number of days per week you attend, not the number of classes. By choosing the twice weekly you are able participate in the class(es) two days per week. You can come different days each week.
As an example: you can take classes Monday and Thursday in week 1, Monday and Saturday the next week, or Thursday and Saturday, etc.Twice a week membership includes free fencing any time we are open.
Unlimited membership
Membership is determined by the number of days per week you attend, not the number of classes. By choosing the Unlimited membership you will have access to all in-person and online class(es) and/or open fencing and can come as often as you like.
Strategy & Tactics Virtual Class
MHFA membership is not required to join this class
Weekly virtual class focused on comparing and contrasting various methods of strategy and tactical approaches both historical and modern.
Students will learn to read, anticipate, and control opponents by developing an understanding of the fencing theory necessary to grow their tactical thinking.
Minimum of 6 months of fencing experience recommended.
Class taught via Discord.
Free for members.
Free Fencing Friends
Already belong to a local club but want more friends to free fence?
The Free fencing friends floor fee is for you.
This program is exclusive for active paying members of other local clubs, and grants access to free fencing every time we are open. No classes are included.Fencers must comply to MHFA code of conduct, safety rules, standards, etc.
We reserve the right to revoke registrations.
8:00pm - 10:00pm Private lessons
8:30pm- 10:00pm 1: Bolognese Side sword - Sword and Buckler
2: Bolognese Longsword10:00pm-10:45 Open Floor
8:00pm - 10:00pm Private lessons
8:30pm- 10:00pm 1: Thibault Rapier
2: Introductory class (Until 9:30pm)10:00pm-10:45 Open Floor
8:00pm - 10:00pm Private lessons
8:30pm- 9:30pm Smallsword & Saber
8:30pm-10:45 Open Floor
12:30pm -1:30pm 1: ND Longsword
2: Italian Rapier (& Dagger)1:30pm- 2:00pm Open Floor
2:00pm-3:00pm 1: Introductory Class
2: Smallsword & Saber3:00pm-4:00pm Open floor